41 Sylvia (1/2)

The Archaic System Muigetsu 42610K 2022-07-19

”Sir, you requested I wake you at this time.”

I opened my eyes. The bright light from the window rushing in as a middle aged woman spread open the curtains to a nearby window. I rubbed my eyes and stretched out my body, a brief yawn escaped my mouth.

I looked over at the middle aged lady. She had a look that appeared both stern and gentle which somehow made her seem motherly. She is the new head caretaker for the Captains Manor. From our conversation yesterday I learned that Morrow had personally appointed her to replace Sauer's old staff. This made me wary as she probably reported everything I did back to Morrow, however, she managed the property exceedingly well. Every member of he staff worked efficiently and coherently under her command. Even the maids were diligent in their work and showed the utmost courtesy.

While it seemed humanity had returned to ancient times not all things were like back then. These maids were paid well and no one was forced to be here. Even Sauer didn't abuse his position to take advantage of his maids as that could cause public outrage if anyone found out. Even Morrow would be forced to act if the masses were outraged.

Other than the three maids there was a cook, three gardeners, and ten guards that came with the manor. Even though the guards technically had a higher position than the head caretaker, they all treated her with respect and listened to her orders. I had overheard one of the guards mention that she was a high ranking member of the military in the country on Earth that Morrow was from. However, some incident occurred and even though she suffered no physical injury she voluntarily retired.

I hopped out of bed and faced the middle aged woman.

”Thank you, Matilda. I'll get ready and be down in a moment.”

She nodded her head and began to quickly make her way to the exit.

Remembering something I hurriedly said, ”Oh yes, how is our guest?”

Matilda turned and stared at me, an unidentifiable look in her eyes, ”She has been screaming curses for hours, banging on the door, and demanding you return her locket.” She then quickly left the room.

I couldn't help chuckling. I don't know who this girl is or how I upset her but at the very least it should be interesting. When I arrived at the manor last night with the young girl thrown over my shoulder Matilda looked like she was about to rip my head off. I couldn't blame her for her reaction since it almost certainly looked like something it wasn't. Fortunately, before having my own guards arrest me she listened to my explanation.

I told her how I was attacked by the girl on my way home and in the process knocked her out. At first Matilda doubted me, but after I insisted that the girl be kept in one of the guest rooms with two guards stationed outside she calmed down seeming to accept my story. Naturally, I had Matilda search the girl since I had not felt comfortable doing it on the street after the attack. After a few minutes she gave me a locket which she found hidden in one of the girls pockets. She said the girl had no money and that was the only thing of note.

It was a simple copper locket which opened to reveal two pictures, one on each side. One picture was of two people, a boy around twenty patting the head of a girl around five. The other was of a lady who looked to be in her early thirties, wearing a fancy dress with a beautiful smile.

I started to get ready. The outfit Connor made me had already been cleaned of all the dirt and blood from last night and was laid on top of a dresser on the side of the room. Besides the basically over-sized T-shirt I was wearing right now these were the only clothes I had. Maybe after I earn some more money I will have Connor make me some more casual clothes. While these clothes are impressive they give me a very dominating appearance, which can be detrimental in certain circumstances.

After getting ready I exited my room. The Manor is not overly large and was clearly built with the intention of expanding in the future. The reason I had as many maids as gardeners was because the relatively small manor was on a fairly large plot of land. After all this is the second largest residence in Black Lion Village. The Manor only had one story, but it had a central, east, and west wing. The central wing was reserved for me and had my large bedroom, two smaller bedrooms, a common area, and a study. The west wing was mainly for the staff. This is where the guards quarters, maids quarters, and kitchen were located. The East Wing had a dining area, living area and four guest bedrooms. One of these rooms currently held my mystery assailant. I leisurely made my way towards the east wing. It didn't take long before I began to hear the obscenities being shouted by the girl through the walls.

As I approached the room, the two guards standing next to the door greeted me, ”Good Morning Sir.”

”Thank you. This shouldn't take long.”

This entire time the girl had continued to shout obscenities through the door. I was surprised her voice hadn't given out. I loudly banged on the door.

I shouted, ”If you don't shut up I will melt this locket into a pick and use it to clean my teeth.”

Suddenly, the area became quiet. I could see the tension leave the shoulders of the two guards next to me. No one would enjoy being screamed at for hours.

”Step to the back of the room. I want to be able to hear it.”

I hadn't forgotten how stealthy she was last night and didn't want to take any risk. After hearing steps that faded as they got further away I opened the door. Looking inside the furnishings were simple and the room was about 15 by 15 meters in size. The smallest of my guest rooms.

On the opposite side of the room was a young girl who looked thirteen but must be fifteen since thirteen year-old humans couldn't be in Agartha yet. Her eyes and cheeks were puffy, tear stains fresh on her cheeks. Her nose was swollen and purple with a red gash that had been stitched closed running over the bridge. Matilda had some experience and stitched the nose while she was unconscious last night. She was bracing herself on the dresser behind her. I guess the effects of her concussion last night weren't completely gone.