20 Trouble (1/2)

The Archaic System Muigetsu 23360K 2022-07-19

As we neared the village more and more memories of my time here began to flood into my head. I spent the majority of my first two years on Agartha in Black Lion Village. The only time I left was to kill beasts in the nearby forests and mountains or to go on a few expeditions with Alexander Morrow's mercenary group. I wasn't an official member, My position was more like a servant relegated to menial tasks for minimal pay. However, I was able to meet Mike during an expedition that had us clearing a nearby fort at the base of a mountain. Afterword Mike came back to Black Lion Village with me. This was the only blessing in an otherwise dismal two years.

At the time I thought I was doing what I had to survive and to find my brother. Alexander Morrow promised that if I served his mercenary group for two years he would help me find my brother. I was so naive. Not only was I treated like dirt, when I brought it up to Alexander Morrow after two years he laughed in my face and kicked me out of the village. If it wasn't for Mike going with me and helping me travel to another human settlement I probably would have died.

There were a few in the mercenary group who were especially cruel and would go out of their way to make my life miserable. It was made even worse by the fact that the mercenary group functions as the town guard. No matter where I went I was harassed by them.

Two that were especially terrible was the captain of the guard Sauer and his right hand man Ward. Sauer was a burly large captain and enjoyed humiliating me in front of people as often as he could. He would belittle me and repeatedly emphasize how weak I was. Ward was worse though, he was truly sadistic, waiting for the perfect moment to destroy any happiness I could cling to. He even tried to drive a wedge between me and Mike. Luckily we found out that he was the one behind it. They are truly sick people who derive joy from preying on those who won't or can't fight back.

Part of me looked forward to crossing paths with them as we neared the village. I'll give them a taste of their own medicine. I'm not the same person I was in my last life.

At this point the sun had almost completely disappeared behind the horizon to the north. Valerian and I stepped into the back of the line to enter the village. It wasn't too long only about five people in front of me.

We could hear the guards ahead talking to the villagers entering before us.

”10 copper to enter for both of you,” said a guard to one of the villagers.

It was a younger man and what appeared to be his wife.

”I'm sorry sir, we just arrived here after a long journey and haven't earned any money yet.”

”10 copper or you can sleep outside with the beasts,” the guard said stoically.

Most human settlements don't charge a fee to enter. Only greedy lords like Alexander Morrow chose to.

The young man began to get a little panicky, ”Please sir, if we can just get inside I'm an excellent tailor and can make money in no time, I swear I will return and pay you the 10 copper.”

”No money no entrance,” then he looked over the female next to the man a grin spreading on his face, ”well maybe if you let this little lass stays with us tonight we can let you through.” The guard sneered at the young man.

”That, That's not possible,” The young man stammered.

No longer able to continue watching, I stepped forward, ”Here are 10 coppers, let them in.”