Part 11 (2/2)
The story of Maui seeking immortality for the human race is one of the finest myths in the world. For pure imagination and pathos it is difficult to find any tale from Grecian or Latin literature to compare with it. In Greek and Roman fables G.o.ds suffered for other G.o.ds, and yet none were surrounded with such absolutely mythical experiences as those through which the demi-G.o.d Maui of the Pacific Ocean pa.s.sed when he entered the gates of death with the hope of winning immortality for mankind. The really remarkable group of legends which cl.u.s.ter around Maui is well concluded by the story of his unselfish and heroic battle with death.
The different islands of the Pacific have their Hades, or abode of dead.
It is, with very few exceptions, down in the interior of the earth.
Sometimes the tunnels left by currents of melted lava are the pa.s.sages into the home of departed spirits. In Samoa there are two circular holes among the rocks at the west end of the island Savaii. These are the entrances to the under-world for chiefs and people. The spirits of those who die on the other islands leap into the sea and swim around the land from island to island until they reach Savaii. Then they plunge down into their heaven or their hades.
The Tongans had a spirit island for the home of the dead. They said that some natives once sailed far away in a canoe and found this island. It was covered with all manner of beautiful fruits, among which rare birds sported. They landed, but the trees were shadows. They grasped but could not hold them. The fruits and the birds were shadows. The men ate, but swallowed nothing substantial. It was shadow-land. They walked through all the delights their eyes looked upon, but found no substance. They returned home, but ever seemed to listen to spirits calling them back to the island. In a short time all the voyagers were dead.
There is no escape from death. The natives of New Zealand say: ”Man may have descendants, but the daughters of the night strangle his offspring”; and again: ”Men make heroes, but death carries them away.”
There are very few legends among the Polynesians concerning the death of Maui. And these are usually fragmentary, except among the Maoris of New Zealand.
The Hawaiian legend of the death of Maui is to the effect that he offended some of the greater G.o.ds living in Waipio valley on the Island of Hawaii. Ka.n.a.loa, one of the four greatest G.o.ds of Hawaii, seized him and dashed him against the rocks. His blood burst from the body and colored the earth red in the upper part of the valley. The Hawaiians in another legend say that Maui was chasing a boy and girl in Honolii gulch, Hawaii. The girl climbed a breadfruit tree. Maui changed himself into an eel and stretched himself along the side of the trunk of the tree. The tree stretched itself upward and Maui failed to reach the girl. A priest came along and struck the eel and killed it, and so Maui died. This is evidently a changed form of the legend of Maui and the long eel. Another Hawaiian fragment approaches very near to the beautiful New Zealand myth. The Hawaiians said that Maui attempted to tear a mountain apart. He wrenched a great hole in the side. Then the elepaio bird sang and the charm was broken. The cleft in the mountain could not be enlarged. If the story could be completed it would not be strange if the death of Maui came with this failure to open the path through the mountain.
The Hervey Islands say that after Maui fished up the islands his hook was thrown into the heavens and became the curved tail of the constellation of stars which we know as ”The Scorpion.” Then the people became angry with Maui and threw him up into the sky and his body is still thought to be hanging among the stars of the scorpion.
The Samoans, according to Turner, say that Maui went fis.h.i.+ng and tried to catch the land under the seas and pull it to the surface. Finally an island appeared, but the people living on it were angry with Maui and drove him away into the heavens.
As he leaped from the island it separated into two parts. Thus the Samoans account for the origin of two of their islands and also for the pa.s.sing away of Maui from the earth.
The natives of New Zealand have many myths concerning the death of Maui.
Each tribe tells the story with such variations as would be expected when the fact is noted that these tribes have preserved their individuality through many generations. The substance of the myth, however, is the same.
In Maui's last days he longed for the victory over death. His innate love of life led him to face the possibility of escaping and overcoming the relentless enemy of mankind and thus bestow the boon of deathlessness upon his fellow-men. He had been successful over and over again in his contests with both G.o.ds and men. When man was created, he stood erect, but, according to an Hawaiian myth, had jointless arms and limbs. A web of skin connected and fastened tightly the arms to the body and the legs to each other. ”Maui was angry at this motionless statue and took him and broke his legs at ankle, knee and hip and then, tearing them and the arms from the body, destroyed the web. Then he broke the arms at the elbow and shoulder. Then man could move from place to place, but he had neither fingers or toes.” Here comes the most ancient Polynesian statement of the theory of evolution: ”Hunger impelled man to seek his food in the mountains, where his toes were cut out by the brambles in climbing, and his fingers were also formed by the sharp splinters of the bamboo while searching with his arms for food in the ground.”
It was not strange that Maui should feel self-confident when considering the struggle for immortality as a gift to be bestowed upon mankind. And yet his father warned him that his time of failure would surely come.
White, who has collected many of the myths and legends of New Zealand, states that after Maui had ill-treated Mahu-ika, his grandmother, the G.o.ddess and guardian of fire in the under-world, his father and mother tried to teach him to do differently. But he refused to listen. Then the father said:
”You heard our instructions, but please yourself and persist for life or death.”
Maui replied: ”What do I care? Do you think I shall cease? Rather I will persist forever and ever.”
Then his father said: ”There is one so powerful that no tricks can be of any avail.”
Maui asked: ”By what shall I be overcome?” The answer was that one of his ancestors, Hine-nui-te-po (Great Hine of the night), the guardian of life, would overcome him.
When Maui fished islands out of the deep seas, it was said that Hine made her home on the outer edge of one of the outermost islands. There the glow of the setting sun lighted the thatch of her house and covered it with glorious colors. There Great Hine herself stood flas.h.i.+ng and sparkling on the edge of the horizon.
Maui, in these last days of his life, looked toward the west and said: ”Let us investigate this matter and learn whether life or death shall follow.”
The father replied: ”There is evil hanging over you. When I chanted the invocation of your childhood, when you were made sacred and guarded by charms, I forgot a part of the ceremony. And for this you are to die.”
Then Maui said, ”Will this be by Hine-nui-te-po? What is she like?”
The father said that the flas.h.i.+ng eyes they could see in the distance were dark as greenstone, the teeth were as sharp as volcanic gla.s.s, her mouth was large like a fish, and her hair was floating in the air like sea-weed.