2 Parallel Dimensions (1/2)
The whole place was silent, the branches of the trees moved slightly by the wind, occasionally a drop of green liquid was heard falling from the sky, but the silence only lasted a moment, because suddenly a scream is heard.
”Get out of me!” Lily screams suddenly.
Kayle sees that Lily moves away from Ryan with a scream, has an expression of fear, does not understand what happens with Lily, although the test says that only 1 of them will leave this place, that doesn't mean we start killing each other or something... right?
Ryan slowly approaches Lily with a smile ”Don't be afraid, I won't do anything to you, I promise I will protect you” He extends his hand to Lily.
”I don't believe you, I saw how you looked at me, that look is not from someone who wants to protect me!” Lily says that while trying to get away from Ryan walking slowly through the green liquid on the floor, she is pretty sure she saw bad intentions in Ryan's gaze.
”Come on, come to me, I think you're confused for being in this place, there must be a way for everyone to get out of here” Ryan says with a kind expression, he doesn't seem to have bad intentions
”No! I told you to stay away!” Lily doesn't want to be near Ryan, she has always had a good sense towards people and just for a moment, she felt Ryan's terrifying look.
”G-guys, I don't think we have to distrust each other, it's like Ryan says, there's probably a way we all get out of here” Jacob tries to calm the situation with a bitter smile, he does not know how to deal with this situation in which only 1 of them can leave here.
Kayle is worried about what is happening, he doesn't know what Lily saw in Ryan to be so scared, but he can't let everyone go crazy, he doesn't know why a system has to do such a strange test to find owner, but he's calmer than the others, since he was the only one who surpa.s.sed the first mission ”Let's try to think about the information that the system did not provide, we are supposed to be in a different dimension from ours, there may be someplace that takes us to our dimension”
”I agree, there must be another way out of this place, they don't have to follow the orders of what they call 'system'” Says Adam, he is looking at his sword as he speaks.
”There are 2 more missions to complete, at the moment we don't know what missions they are, if we want to get out of here, we must try not to activate the other missions that remain” Jacob says with a serious expression. He seems like a completely different person from before when it comes to talking about things related to his hobbies.
Lily, who has been silent, as far as possible from Ryan, suddenly says ”...Hey, don't you feel that this green liquid is moving?” She looks at the ground, the viscous liquid has small ripples that are everywhere.
”I-Is it moving?” Jacob says with fear, it seems that he returned to his previous personality, you can see how the grease of his face trembles.
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Kayle can also see the ripples, perceives a strange but ominous feeling that something bad is about to happen, soon even the ground begins to shake, Kayle hears the sound of something breaking in the distance.
”What is this noise!?” Lily asks, she has an even paler face looking at the direction where the sound comes from.
”We have to hide, fast!” Adam screams, for some reason his expression is nervous as if he understood that what is close to them is a bad thing.
”Where do we hide?” Ryan says looking around, he doesn't find a place to hide beside the trees, he feels that these trees won't be enough to be safe, besides the green liquid on the ground isn't enough to cover everyone's body, it's also very tall and muscular so that his body can be completely hidden, he looks at Jacob and thinks that he can't hide in the green liquid. The only ones Ryan thinks they can hide are Lily and Kayle, the body of each of them is perfect for the green liquid to completely cover them, Kayle is very thin and Lily is small and somewhat thin.
Kayle thinks what he can create so they can hide, look at the ripples that are getting bigger, then see something strange in his reflection, his face is missing something familiar, it's his gla.s.ses! they are not in his face, he does not understand how he can see so well without his gla.s.ses, but, when he lost his gla.s.ses?
”Crack!!” ”Boom!!”
The noise is approaching, from afar they can see a great thing that approaches their direction, that thing is breaking all the trees it touches, at the speed in which it moves it must reach where they are in 5 minutes.
A green glow appears in Jacob's hands, a blanket of the same color as the viscous liquid on the ground soon materializes. ”I think if we camouflage with this they won't find us...” Jacob says shaking the blanket, but the blanket It breaks into pieces as soon as it starts shaking it.
”It's no use, only Kayle and Adam can do something that helps us hide” Says Lily, she doesn't even try to create something, since she knows it will be garbage
Adam frowns thinking about what he can create, it soon seems that he thought of something, a green light appears behind his back, a sword holster soon materializes, he puts the sword in the holster. Then he stretches his arms and a green light appears in front of him. Only half a meter from Adam, a turtle sh.e.l.l materializes, the sh.e.l.l is green and looks quite resistant ”If we hide in this sh.e.l.l, what comes to us cannot do anything to us” Says Adam as quickly as possible, since he hears the sound of trees falling even closer to them.
”It doesn't work, getting into that sh.e.l.l will only be a sure death” Says Kayle, he can see that what comes close to them is too big and they are unlikely to be safe in that sh.e.l.l. Most likely they will end up crushed.
”Then think of something fast!” Adam screams looking at Kayle in anger.
”Calm down, I already thought of something” Kayle did not expect Adam to yell at him so suddenly, he already thought about what to create or rather thought about what to do with this skill. But he looks at the sword in his hand, he does not need to have it at this time, nor does he want to carry it on his back, since it seems very uncomfortable to move with a sword on his back, so he turns it into a sword of 5 centimeters and he keeps it in his pocket. With that finished, he leans down and puts his hands on the floor. A green light appears under his hands, a hatch materializes under his hands ”Finished!” Kayle says.