Part 6 (1/2)



Fearless Frank stepped back aghast, as he saw the inhuman chief of the Sioux--the cruel, grim-faced warrior, Sitting Bull; shrunk back, and laid his hand upon the b.u.t.t of a revolver.

”Ha!” he articulated, ”is that you, chief? You, and at such work as this?” there was stern reproach in the youth's tone, and certain it is that the Sioux warrior heard the words spoken.

”My friend, Scarlet Boy, is keen with the tongue,” he said, frowning.

”Let him put shackles upon it, before it leaps over the bounds of reason.”

”I see no reason why I should not speak in behalf of yon suffering girl!” retorted the youth, fearlessly, ”on whom you have been inflicting one of the most inhuman tortures Indian cunning could conceive. For shame, chief, that you should ever a.s.sent to such an act--lower yourself to the grade of a dog by such a dastard deed. For shame, I say!”

Instantly the form of the great warrior straightened up like an arrow, and his painted hand flew toward the pistols in his belt.

But the succeeding second he seemed to change his intention; his hand went out toward the youth in greeting:

”The Scarlet Boy is right,” he said, with as much graveness as a red-skin can conceive. ”Sitting Bull listens to his words as he would to those of a brother. Scarlet Boy is no stranger in the land of the Sioux; he is the friend of the great chief and his warriors. Once when the storm-G.o.ds were at war over the pine forests and picture rocks of the Hills; when the Great Spirit was sending fiery messengers down in vivid streaks from the skies, the Big Chief cast a thunderbolt in playfulness at the feet of Sitting Bull. The shock of the hand of the Great Spirit did not escape me; for hours I lay like one slain in battle. My warriors were in consternation; they ran hither and thither in affright, calling on the Manitou to preserve their chief. You came, Scarlet Boy, in the midst of all the panic;--came, and though then but a stripling, you applied simple remedies that restored Sitting Bull to the arms of his warriors.[A]

”From that hour Sitting Bull was your friend--is your friend, now, and will be as long as the red-men exist as a tribe.”

”Thank you, chief;” and Fearless Frank grasped the Indian's hand and wrung it warmly. ”I believe you mean all you say. But I am surprised to find you engaged at such work as this. I have been told that Sitting Bull made war only on warriors--not on women.”

An ugly frown darkened the savage's face--a frown wherein was depicted a number of slumbering pa.s.sions.

”The pale-face girl is the last survivor of a train that the warriors of Sitting Bull attacked in Red Canyon. Sitting Bull lost many warriors; yon pale squaw shot down full a half-score before she could be captured; she belongs to the warriors of Sitting Bull, and not to the great chief himself.”

”Yet you have the power to free her--to yield her up to me. Consider, chief; are you not enough my friend that you can afford to give me the pale-face girl? Surely, she has been tortured sufficiently to satisfy your braves' thirst for vengeance.”

Sitting Bull was silent.

”What will the Scarlet Boy do with the fair maiden of his tribe?”

”Bear her to a place of safety, chief, and care for her until I can find her friends--probably she has friends in the East.”

”It shall be as he says. Sitting Bull will withdraw his braves and Scarlet Boy can have the red-man's prize.”

A friendly hand-shake between the youth and the Sioux chieftain, a word from the latter to the grim painted warriors, and the next instant the glade was cleared of the savages.

Fearless Frank then hastened to approach the insensible captive, and, with a couple sweeps of his knife, cut the bonds that held her to the torture-stake. Gently he laid her on the gra.s.s, and arranged about her half-nude form the garments Sitting Bull's warriors had torn off, and soon he had the satisfaction of seeing her once more clothed properly.

It still remained for him to restore her to consciousness, and this promised to be no easy task, for she was in a dead swoon. She was even more beautiful of face and figure than one would have imagined at a first glance. Of a delicate blonde complexion, with pink-tinged cheeks, she made a very pretty picture, her face framed as it was in a wild disheveled cloud of auburn hair.

A hatful of cold water from a neighboring spring dashed into her upturned face; a continued chafing of the pure white soft hands; then there was a convulsive twitching of the features, a low moan, and the eyes opened and darted a glance of affright into the face of the Scarlet Boy.

”Fear not, miss;” and the youth gently supported her to a sitting posture. ”I am a friend, and your cruel captors have vamosed. Lucky I came along just as I did, or it's likely they'd have killed you.”

”Oh! sir, how can I ever thank you for rescuing me from those merciless fiends!” and the maiden gave him a grateful glance. ”They whipped me, terribly!”

”I know, lady--all because you defended yourself in Red Canyon.”