Part 4 (1/2)

At the table Harry Redburn still sat, as motionless as a statue, the revolver still held in his hand, his face white, his eyes staring.

There he remained, the center of general attraction, with a hundred pair of blazing eyes leveled at him from every side.

”Come!” said Ned Harris, in a low tone, tapping him on the shoulder--”come, pardner; let's git out of this, for times will be brisk soon. You've wounded one of the biggest card-devils in the Hills, and he'll be rearin' pretty quick. Look! d'ye see that feller comin' yonder, who was preachin' from on top of the barrel, a bit ago?

Well, that is Catamount Ca.s.s, an' he's a pard of Chet Diamond, the feller you salted, an' them fellers behind him are his gang. Come!

follow me, Henry, and I'll nose our way out of here.”

Redburn signified his readiness, and with a c.o.c.ked six-shooter in either hand Ned Harris led the way.



Straight toward the door of the saloon he marched, the muzzles of the grim sixes clearing a path to him; for Ned Harris had become notorious in Deadwood for his coolness, courage and audacity. It had been said of him that he would ”just es lief shute a man as ter look at 'im,” and perhaps the speaker was not far from right.

Anyway, he led off through the savage-faced audience with a composure that was remarkable, and, strange to say, not a hand was raised to stop him until he came face to face with Catamount Ca.s.s and his gang; here was where the youth had expected molestation and hindrance, if anywhere.

Catamount Ca.s.s was a rough, illiterate ”tough” of the mountain species, and possessed more brute courage than the general run of his type of men, and a bull-dog determination that made him all the more dangerous as an enemy.

Harry Redburn kept close at Ned Harris' heels, a c.o.c.ked ”six” in either hand ready for any emergency.

It took but a few moments before the two parties met, the ”Cattymount”

throwing out his foot to block the path.

”h.e.l.lo!” roared the ”tough,” folding his huge knotty arms across his partially bared breast; ”ho! ho! whoa up thar, pilgrims! Don' ye go ter bein' so fast. Fo'kes harn't so much in a hurry now-'days as they uster war. Ter be sure ther Lord manyfactered this futstool in seven days; sum times I think he did, an' then, ag'in, my geological ijees convince me he didn't.”

”What has that to do with us?” demanded Ned, sternly. ”I opine ye'd better spread, some of you, if you don't want me to run a canyon through your midst. Preach to some other pilgrim than me; I'm in a hurry!”

”Haw! haw! Yas, I obsarve ye be; but if ye're my meat, an' I think prob'ble ye be, I ain't a-goin' fer ter let yer off so nice and easy.

P'arps ye kin tell who fired the popgun, a minnit ago, w'at basted my ole pard?”

”I shall not take trouble to tell!” replied Ned, fingering the trigger of his left six uneasily. ”Ef you want to know who salted Chet Diamond, the worst blackleg, trickster and card-player in Dakota, all you've got to do is to go and ask him!”

”Hold!” cried Harry Redburn, stepping out from behind Harris; ”I'll hide behind no man's shoulder. _I_ salted the gambler--if you call shooting salting--and I'm not afraid to repeat the action by salting a dozen more just of his particular style.”

Ned Harris was surprised.

He had set Redburn down as a faint-hearted, dubious-couraged counter-jumper from the East; he saw now that there was something of him, after all.

”Come on, young man!” and the young miner stepped forward a pace; ”are you with me?”

”To the ears!” replied Harris, grimly.

The next instant the twain leaped forward and broke the barrier, and mid the crack of pistol-shots and shouts of rage, they cleared the saloon. Once outside, Ned Harris led the way.

”Come along!” he said, dodging along the shadowy side of the street; ”we'll have to scratch gravel, for them up-range 'toughs' will follow us, I reckon. They're a game gang, and 'hain't the most desirable kind of enemies one could wish for. I'll take you over to my coop, and you can lay low there until this jamboree blows over. You'll have to promise me one thing, however, ere I can admit you as a member of my household.”