Part 2 (1/2)

D id you hear what I said?” Adam asks. His eyebrows are arched way up. ”Your break is over. Can you please turn off your phone and go back to the gift shop?”

”I have to go,” I say. My heart thumps hard. My mom's in the hospital?

I spin around and run for the door, clicking Jake's contact number.

”Did you talk to him?” Amy whisper- yells as I pa.s.s her outside the snack shop.

”Later,” I holler and keep going, pressing my phone to my ear.

I race back to the gift shop and grab my backpack from the coun- ter. ”Family emergency,” I tell Theresa, who's been watching the shop during my break. ”I have to go.”

I throw my backpack over my arm and keep running.

Adam is coming toward me. ”I can fire you if you take off in the middle of your s.h.i.+ft,” he says.

”Congratulations,” I call out and dart around families grouped together in cl.u.s.ters. A little girl is crying, and I pat her head as I run by and mumble sympathetic noises but don't stop. I jump out of the way to avoid an escaped toddler running for his life and into the back of a dad holding a screaming girl by her armpits. I press Jake's contact number again. It goes straight to voice mail. Great.

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J a n e t G u r t l e r As I'm jogging through the parking lot, Adam yells my name, but I keep moving. The only thing on my mind is getting to the car.

I try my other brother's phone, but Josh doesn't pick up either.

Something is very wrong.

”What the h.e.l.l?” Adam yells, and I turn to see he's chased me all this way, even though I made it pretty clear I don't care if he fires me. His legs are frigging long, and clearly I'm no athlete. I reach Josh's car and jumble around in my backpack for the keys.

”Is this is about Amy? You can't just leave, you know.”

My chest is tight, my breathing fast. ”This has nothing to do with Amy.” I'm about to tell him my mom is in the hospital when he interrupts.

”This is yours?” Adam stares at the restored '70s muscle car.

Cutla.s.s 442. A cla.s.sic. I only know this because Josh drilled it into my head.

I unlock the door, ignoring Adam as I slide into the front seat.

Adam moves quickly, standing in between the door and the car, so I can't close it. ”Why're you taking off?” he demands.

”It's my mom,” I say, and the tears I've been holding in pop out of my eye corners. ”She's in the hospital okay? I have to go.

Like NOW.”

”Oh.” He uncrosses his arms. ”Which hospital?” he asks without stepping away.

”Shoot.” I realize I don't even know. ”I'm an idiot,” I moan and grab my phone to madly text Josh and Jake at the same time. I stare down at the phone, willing one of them to answer right away. ”My stupid brothers aren't answering my texts.”


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1 6 t h i n g s i t h o u g h t w e r e t r u e ”If I drive, you can call hospitals and find her faster. It'll save time.”

He pulls out his phone and types a quick message. ”Done. Theresa will cover me and the gift shop. I told her you have an emergency.”

I want to refuse, but frankly I need the help. I swallow, tempted to tell him no, but this is too serious to worry about my silly pride.

”Fine,” I say, even though he's already pulling me out and push- ing me around the front of the car to the pa.s.senger door. He opens it and shoves me inside.

”Drive carefully,” I tell him as I do up my seat belt. ”This is my brother's car and he's very protective of it- and very muscular.”

Adam's lip turns up for half a second as he gets behind the wheel and pushes the seat back to accommodate his long legs. Fuzzy dice hanging from the rearview mirror give off a slight scent of pine. I've never asked Josh whether they're ironic, but I hope so.

”Cool car. I promise to be careful. I'm not big on being beat up.”

Adam taps the fuzzy dice so they swing back and forth, and then pulls on the seat belt. ”Why don't you start with the University of Was.h.i.+ngton Medical Center? Call the emergency line and find out if she's been admitted there.”

He sprays gravel as he backs out of the parking lot. I call 411.

They connect me to the hospital, but we're on the highway by the time I press enough b.u.t.tons to reach a real person on the phone.

A few minutes later, I find out my mom isn't there and hang up.

”Try the Virginia Mason,” Adam says as he drives past an old farm with cows grazing on gra.s.s.

I wonder how he even knows this stuff but don't have time to ask. When I reach a person at the Virginia, I find out she's not


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J a n e t G u r t l e r there either. As soon as I hang up, Adam gives me the name of another hospital.

”The Marcede Grace Hospital. It's small, but closest to Tadita.”