Part 20 (1/2)
”Hullo, you there,” said he, ”where do you come from?” ”I come from the eddy below the rapids,” said the Water-snail, ”and I only want to get as far as the head-waters of this river.” Said the King-crow: ”Wait a bit. Suppose you go down to the river-mouth as quickly as you can and we will have a wager on it.” (Now rivers are the Water-snail's domain, in which he has many comrades.)
”What is to be the stake?” asked the Water-snail. ”If I am beaten I will be your slave, and look after your aroids and wild caladiums on which all Water-snails feed.” Then the King-crow asked: ”And what will you stake?” The Water-snail replied, ”If I am beaten, the river shall be handed over to you and you shall be King of the River.” But the Water-snail begged for a delay of twice seven days, saying that he felt knocked up after ascending the rapids, and the delay was granted accordingly.
Meanwhile, however, the Water-snail hunted up a great number of his friends and instructed them to conceal themselves in each of the higher reaches of the river, and to reply immediately when the King-crow challenged them.
The day arrived, and the King-crow flew off, and in each of the higher reaches the Water-snail's friends replied to the challenge, while at the river-mouth the Water-snail replied in person. So the King-crow was defeated and has ever since remained the slave of the Water-snail.
The Elephant Has a Bet with the Tiger
In the beginning Gajah the Elephant and Rimau the Tiger were sworn friends. But one day they came to a clearing and presently encountered Lotong, the long-tailed Spectacle-monkey. And when he saw the Monkey, the Elephant said, ”Mr. Lotong yonder is far too noisy; let us try and shake him off; if he falls to me I am to eat you; and if he falls to you, you are to eat me--we will make a wager of it.” The Tiger said, ”Agreed”; and the Elephant replied, ”Agreed.” ”Very well!” said the Tiger; ”you shall try and menace him first.” So the Elephant tried to menace the Monkey. ”AU! AU! AU!” he trumpeted, and each time he trumpeted the Monkey was scared. But the Monkey went jumping head foremost through the branches and never fell to the ground at all.
Presently, therefore, the Tiger asked the Elephant, ”Well, Friend Elephant, would you like to try your luck again?” But the Elephant said, ”No, thank you. It shall be your turn now; and if he falls to you, you shall eat me--if you really can make him fall!” Then the Tiger went and roared his longest and loudest, and shortened his body as for a spring and growled and menaced the Monkey thrice. And the Monkey leaped and fell at the Tiger's feet, for his feet and hands were paralyzed and would not grip the branches any more. Then the Tiger said: ”Well, Friend Elephant, I suppose I may eat you now.” But the Elephant said: ”You have, I admit, won the wager; but I beg you to grant me just seven days' respite, to enable me to visit my wife and children and to make my will.” The Tiger granted the request, and the Elephant went home, bellowing and sobbing every foot of the way.
Now the Elephant's wife heard the sound of her husband's voice, and said to her children, ”What can be the matter with your Father that he keeps sobbing so?” And the children listened to make sure, and said, ”Yes, it really is Father's voice, the sobbing, and not that of anybody else.” Presently Father Elephant arrived, and Mother Elephant asked: ”What were you sobbing for, Father? What have you done to yourself?”
Father Elephant replied: ”I made a wager with Friend Tiger about shaking down a Monkey, and Friend Tiger beat me; I menaced the Monkey, but he did not fall; if he had fallen to me, I was to have eaten Friend Tiger, but if he fell to Friend Tiger, Friend Tiger was to eat me. I was beaten, and now Friend Tiger says he is going to eat me. So I begged leave to come home and see you, and he has given me just seven days' respite.”
Now for the seven days Father Elephant kept sobbing aloud, and neither ate nor slept. And the thing came to the hearing of Friend Mouse-deer.
”What can be the matter with Friend Elephant that he keeps bellowing and bellowing; neither does he sleep, so that night is turned into day, and day into night? What on earth is the matter with him? Suppose I go and see,” said the Mouse-deer. Then the Mouse-deer went to see what was wrong, and asked: ”What is the matter with you, Friend Elephant, that we hear you bellowing and bellowing every single day and every single night, just now, too, when the Rains are upon us? You are far too noisy.”
But the Elephant said: ”It is no mere empty noise, Friend Mouse-deer; I have got into a dreadful” ”What sort of a” inquired the Mouse-deer. ”I made a wager with Friend Tiger about shaking down a Monkey, and he beat me.” ”What was the stake?” asked the Mouse-deer.
”The stake was that Friend Tiger might eat me if Friend Tiger frightened it down; and if I frightened it down, I might eat Friend Tiger. It fell to Friend Tiger, and now Friend Tiger wants to eat me.
And my reason for not eating or sleeping any more is that I have got only just seven days' respite to go home and visit my wife and children and to make my will.” Then the Mouse-deer said: ”If it came to Friend Tiger's eating you, I should feel exceedingly sorrowful, exceedingly distressed; but things being only as you say, I feel neither.” ”If you will a.s.sist me,” said the Elephant, ”I will become your slave, and my descendants shall be your slaves forever.” ”Very well, it that is the case, I will a.s.sist you,” said the Mouse-deer. ”Go and look for a jar full of” Friend Elephant promised to do so, and went to look for it at the house of a maker of palm-wine. The owner of the house fled for his life, and the jar fell into Friend Elephant's possession, who bore it back to the Mouse-deer.
Then Friend Mouse-deer said, ”When does your promise expire?” and Friend Elephant replied, ”To-morrow.” So when next morning arrived they started, and the Mouse-deer said, ”Now pour the over your back and let it spread and spread and run down your legs.” Friend Elephant did as he was ordered. Friend Mouse-deer then instructed the Elephant as follows: ”As soon as I begin to lick up the on your back, bellow as loud as you can and make believe to be hurt, and writhe and wriggle this way and that.”
And presently Friend Mouse-deer commenced to lick hard, and Friend Elephant writhed and wriggled and made believe to be hurt, and made a prodigious noise of trumpeting. In this way they proceeded and Friend Mouse-deer got up and sat astride upon Friend Elephant's back. And the Elephant trumpeted and trumpeted all the way till they met with Friend Tiger. At this Friend Mouse-deer exclaimed, ”A single Elephant is very short commons; if I could only catch that big and fat old Tiger there, it would be just enough to satisfy my hunger.”
Now when Friend Tiger heard these words of the Mouse-deer, he said to himself, ”So I suppose if you catch me, you'll eat me into the bargain, will you?” And Friend Tiger stayed not a moment longer, but fled for his life, fetching very lofty bounds.
And soon he met with the Black Ape, and Friend Ape asked, ”Why running so hard, Friend Tiger? Why so much noise, and why, just when the Rains are upon us, too, do you go fetching such lofty bounds?” Friend Tiger replied, ”What do you mean by 'so much noise'? What was the Thing that was got upon Friend Elephant's back, that had caught Friend Elephant and was devouring him so that he went writhing and wriggling for the pain of it, and the blood went streaming down in floods? Moreover the Thing that was got on Friend Elephant's back said, to my hearing, that a single Elephant was very short commons: but if It could catch a fat old Tiger like myself that would be just enough to satisfy Its hunger.”
Friend Ape said, ”What was that Thing, Friend Tiger?” ”I don't know,”
said the Tiger. ”Ah,” mused the Ape, ”I wonder if it _could_ be Friend Mouse-deer!” ”Certainly not,” said the Tiger; ”why, how in the world could Friend Mouse-deer swallow _Me_? To say nothing of his not being used to meat food.” ”Come and let us go back again,” said the Ape.
Then they went back again to find the Elephant, and first the Ape went the faster, and then the Tiger went the faster, and then the Ape got in front again. But Friend Mouse-deer sitting on Friend Elephant's back saw them coming and shouted. ”Hullo, Father Ape,” said he, ”this is a dog's trick indeed; you promised to bring me two tigers and you only bring me one. I refuse to accept it, Father Ape.”
Now when Friend Tiger heard this, he ran off at first as fast as he could, but presently he slackened his pace and said, ”It is too bad of you, Friend Ape, to try to cozen me in order to pay your own debts.
For shame, Father Ape! It was only through good luck that he refused to accept me; if he had accepted, I should have been dead and done with. So now, if you come down to the ground, you shall die the death yourself, just for your trying to cheat me.”
Thus the Tiger and the Ape were set at enmity, and to this day the Tiger is very wroth with the Ape for trying to cheat him. And here the story ends.
”While watching man in all his phases, And seeing that, in many cases, He acts just like the brute creation-- I've thought the lord of all these races Of no less failings showed the traces Than do his lieges in relation.”