Part 18 (1/2)

A Hare and a Pig once agreed to leap over a ditch. The Hare went a great way, and fell into it, just short by an inch. The Pig went some way and fell into it; but far behind the Hare. Yet they were eager to know which of them leapt more, and was therefore the better animal.

So they said to a Fox, who had been watching the race: ”Will you tell us which of us is superior, and which inferior, in the race?”

The Fox said: ”_Both in the ditch: can't say which!_”

The Peac.o.c.k and the Fox

A Fox, who had an eye on a Peac.o.c.k, was one day standing in a field with his face turned up to the sky.

”Reynard,” said the Peac.o.c.k, ”what have you been doing?”

”Oh, I have been counting the stars,” said the Fox.

”How many are they?” said the Peac.o.c.k.

”About as many as the fools on earth,” said the Fox.

”But which do you think is the greater, the number of the stars or of the fools?” asked the Peac.o.c.k.

”If you put it so, I should say the fools are more by one,” said the Fox.

”Who is that one?” said the Peac.o.c.k.

”Why, my own silly self!” said the Fox.

”How are you silly, Reynard?” questioned the Peac.o.c.k.

”Why, was it not foolish of me to count the stars in the sky, when I could have counted the stars in your brilliant plumage to better advantage?” said the Fox.

”No, Reynard,” said the Peac.o.c.k, ”therein is not your folly--although there is neither wit nor wisdom in your prattle--but in the thought that your fine words would make an easy prey of me!”

The Fox quietly left the place, saying: ”_The Knave that hath been found out cannot have legs too quick_.”

The Tiger and the Giraffe

A Tiger, named Old Guile, who had grown weak with age, was lying under a tree by the side of a lake in quest of some animal off which he could make a meal.

A Giraffe, named Tall Stripes, who came to the lake to quench his thirst, attracted his attention, and Old Guile addressed him as follows: ”Oh, what a happy day! I see there the son of my old friend Yellow Haunch, who lived in the great forest near that distant mountain.”

Tall Stripes was astonished to hear the words of Old Guile, and asked him how he, a Tiger, could be the friend of his father, a Giraffe.

”I am not surprised at your question,” replied Old Guile; ”it is a truth known to very few indeed that the Tiger and the Giraffe belong to the same family. Just look at your skin and my own: yours is of a pale yellow colour, mine is very nearly the same; you have stripes, I have them, too. What more proofs do you want?”

Tall Stripes, who was extremely simple and guileless, believed these words, and said: ”I am very happy to know that my father was your friend, and that we are of the same family. Can I do anything for you?”

Old Guile replied, ”No, thank you; old as I am, I make it a point of relying on myself. Further, a great part of my time is spent in prayer and meditation; for I consider it necessary, at this age, to devote all my attention to spiritual things. It will, however, be a great gratification to me to have your company whenever you should chance to pa.s.s by this lake.”