Volume I Part 40 (2/2)
He sent yesterday for Thurlow to Windsor; and about half an hour ago, Pitt received a note from the Chancellor, who is returned to town, saying that the P. had commanded him to desire Pitt's attendance at Windsor to-morrow morning at eleven.
Pitt is gone to call upon the Chancellor, to learn the nature of his conversation of yesterday. We understood that the object of his going down yesterday was only that he might be consulted as to the steps that might safely be taken with the King in his present unhappy situation. The message of to-day looks like something more, though it seems too early for any negotiation, even if other considerations made that probable.
Fox is out of England, but has, as we understand, been sent for.
It appears a great question whether they will offer any negotiation, or, if they do, what measures ought to be pursued.
I think the opinions rather lean to the idea that Pitt cannot at once decline all negotiation, but that he will be sufficiently grounded in refusing to listen to any proposal that shall not leave him in his present situation, from whence he cannot be removed without disgrace and degradation.
I need not say, that I am very desirous of knowing your sentiments on the possible circ.u.mstances that may arise out of this melancholy event, and that without them, I shall enter into no engagements with a view to any new Government.
As these events may possibly produce much interesting discussion, which I should be unwilling to trust to the post, I have enclosed a transcript of our cypher, not having got a duplicate. It can easily be made for present use either with paper or pasteboard.
Ever most affectionately yours, W. W. G.
My own persuasion is, that they will not attempt to negotiate at all, but turn us all out at once, which I am sure is the thing we ought most to wish. I trust I am not mistaken in the confidence that you wish, in this, or indeed any other course that this situation may give rise to, that I should act in the fullest concert with Pitt; whom, indeed, I could not desert without the most despicable ingrat.i.tude.
Stanlake, Nov. 7th, 1788.
My dearest Lord B.,
I have but one moment, before the post goes out, to tell you that I am this instant returned from Windsor; and find from the best authority that the King's life is unfortunately despaired of. Warren, Heberden, Baker, and Reynolds are attending. I believe the fever has settled on the brain, as there is much delirium. The Chancellor was at Windsor last night, and all the Princes of the Blood are sitting up in the next room to him. The Queen has had fits, but is better to-day.
Doubtless your situation will enable you to hear sooner and more authentically, but I could not avoid giving you myself this lamentable detail.
The Prince seems frightened, and was blooded yesterday.
Kate undertook to write in my name to Hester, instead of you and Lady B. I sincerely condole with her, and hope soon to hear a better account of her.
Ever yours most affectionately, R. A. Neville.
(Most Private.) Whitehall, Nov. 7th, 1788.
My dear Lord,
It is with the utmost concern and mortification that I am under the necessity of acquainting your Excellency of the dangerous state in which His Majesty's health has been for these last two days. Notwithstanding the various reports which you may have seen, real symptoms of danger did not appear till yesterday. The disorder, about the middle of yesterday, attacked His Majesty's head, and he has had a very indifferent night, and, I am afraid, is not much better to-day.
The Queen supports herself with her usual good sense and fort.i.tude, but is still much affected both in health and spirits, though tolerably composed.
His Majesty, during his whole illness, has had the consolation of receiving the unremitted attention of the whole Royal Family, of the value of which he has shown himself affectingly sensible.
In short, my dear Lord, the case may not be desperate; but it is full of extreme danger. G.o.d send us a happy issue of it.