Volume I Part 24 (2/2)
I am in some doubt what to do about coming over to you, as, on account of the Prince's death, there is no levee to-day, nor, I fear, on Friday. If there is, I will set out that evening. It is the more unfortunate, as I wished to know the King's ideas as to your coming away. Your provocation is certainly very great; yet I cannot help fearing that such a step will hurt you here. I still wish to see the King, and will try it, if I can.
Pitt's motion comes on to-day; but n.o.body knows it, though it is imagined to go only to fifty or one hundred Knights, and to some enlargement of boroughs, to take place only on proof of delinquency, as in the case of Cricklade and Sh.o.r.eham.
No news of any Dutch peace, nor can I guess why we are arming, as is said to be the case; but query. Adieu.
Ever yours, W. W. G.
St. James's Place, May 7th, 1783.
My dear Lord,
Your despatch of the 29th of April, afforded me no small degree of pleasure, as it conveyed to me such flattering a.s.surances of your Lords.h.i.+p's esteem and regard; sentiments perfectly similar to which, I beg to a.s.sure your Lords.h.i.+p I entertain for you, with the utmost sincerity and attachment. I feel likewise, with much satisfaction and grat.i.tude, those kind and liberal offers of information and communication upon all points which may tend to give me an early knowledge of the state and situation of that country, and shall hope from such a.s.sistance to be the better enabled to encounter the many difficulties and embarra.s.sments which I already foresee against my Administration. I sincerely wish it was in my power to answer that part of your Lords.h.i.+p's letter upon the subject of my speedy departure, as you wish; but although on many accounts, both of a public and private nature, some delay is unavoidable, it is my wish and my intention, as far as concerns myself, that a delay of a moment shall not be created, that is not of absolute necessity for my own indispensable convenience. Some attention is likewise necessary to His Majesty's servants, whose time is now so much employed in the parliamentary discussion of many subjects of great importance. The many objects which claim much consideration, as stated in your Excellency's despatches, and which have been pressed so frequently, and urged so forcibly by your Lords.h.i.+p on His Majesty's late servants, and which appeared to them so weighty in themselves, and of such moment as to require so long a time for deliberation, cannot be suddenly and easily resolved upon by Ministers of so short a date in office, and with such a pressure of public affairs upon them, occasioned by a discontinuance of any active or responsible Government for such a period, for which they cannot be in the least responsible.
I could, therefore, much wish your Lords.h.i.+p to believe, that if, in the desire you have to be relieved, your wishes are not met by me to the utmost, that you will not attribute it to any want of a due exertion to remove the difficulties which obstruct my compliance therewith, or the desire of staying here myself a week longer; but that if I am enabled to overcome them sooner, and His Majesty's Ministers are ready to give me their final opinions earlier than I have expected they will be able to do, that I shall embrace with pleasure an opportunity to relieve your Lords.h.i.+p from a situation you feel so unpleasant and irksome to you.
I have the honour to be, my dear Lord, Your very faithful and obedient servant, Northington.
Whitehall, May 9th, 1783.
My Lord,
Your Excellency may be a.s.sured that it is not the wish of His Majesty's servants on this side of the water to detain your Excellency in Ireland a moment longer than the time that will be necessary for your Excellency's successor so to arrange his business here, as to be able to relieve your Excellency in your Government.
Since the receipt of your Excellency's letter of the 29th of last month, I have shown to the Earl of Northington all your letters respecting your earnest desire of quitting your present situation without delay, and received yesterday from his Lords.h.i.+p the letter which accompanies this packet. I have reason to believe that his Lords.h.i.+p is endeavouring to get himself ready for his departure, with all possible diligence. His letter will best explain to your Excellency when he expects to set out for Dublin.
Your Excellency, in one part of your letter, seems hurt, that mine of the 24th of last month did not convey, in terms sufficiently explicit, a communication of His Majesty's gracious acceptance and approbation of your Excellency's services. Your Excellency certainly may infer, not only from that letter, but from the whole tenor of my correspondence, that your Administration of Ireland is approved by His Majesty; and having substantially conveyed the royal sentiments on that subject, I hope that I shall stand excused by your Excellency, if I should not have used any particular form of words, though it might have been more proper on the occasion, and more agreeable to your Excellency's wishes.
I have the honour to be, with the greatest truth and respect, My Lord, Your Excellency's most obedient humble servant, North.
Earl Temple, Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland.
St. James's Place, May 16th, 1783.
My Lord,
The last letter which I had the honour of receiving from your Lords.h.i.+p has very sufficiently stated the determinations you are come to with regard to your stay, and that your resolution is fixed, at _all events_, not to be in Dublin on the 4th of June.
I must confess myself perfectly at a loss to conceive what those _particular reasons of delicacy_ may be, which appear to have made such weighty impression on your Lords.h.i.+p's mind, so as to have produced this resolution; but as the consequence will be the placing the Government of the country in other hands, and is a measure which does not seem to meet with the approbation of His Majesty, I shall think it my duty (however greatly my convenience must be the sacrifice) to attend, to the utmost of my power, to His Majesty's wishes, that such an event may not take place.
It is my purpose, therefore, to relieve your Excellency from your Government, as you desire, before the 4th of June, and to be in Dublin on that day, under circ.u.mstances the most unpleasant and mortifying, an half-formed household, and the impossibility of being able to pay that respect and reverence which is due to the happy event of that day. It is my intention to quit London on the 28th or 29th instant, and to make it a point to be at Holyhead early on the 1st of June, so that if the wind is fair and the tide should serve, I may be in Dublin that night.