Part 61 (1/2)
”Eh? De ive myself up as a prisoner?”
”Yes, of course, sir”
”Then why didn't yew say so,way?”
”Disarm the others, ive up your sword”
”I'ive it up to yew Tell 'em to send an orfycer, not one of the shi+p's boys”
”You insolent hound!”
”If yew call ain, squaire, I'll kinder punch your head,”
said Mark, quietly
”What!” cried Bob, trying to give his prisoner a shake, but shaking hiain, sir, I'll have you clapped in irons Here, -dog scoundrels”
Mark gave a fair i of a cock, and Bob was furious
”How dare you, sir!” he cried ”Recollect you are prisoner to Her Majesty's shi+p _Nautilus_”
”Commanded by Bob Howlett, Esquire,” said Mark, in his natural tones, ”Oh, I say, Bob, how you can bully and bounce!”
Bob's hands dropped to his side, and just then a familiar voice shouted,--
”Where's Mr Howlett?”
”Here, sir,” said Bob, disht nobody there, I suppose?” The voice was quite close to the door now, and a shadoas cast down into the darkened cabin
”Oh yes, sir, there's some one down here,” said Bob ”We haven't taken the schooner after all”
”It's all right, sir,” said Mark, stepping out on to the deck to face Mr Staples ”We took the schooner”
”Mr Vandean! Bless ht you were gone But in the name of all that's horrible, how did you come in this state?”
”State, sir?” said Mark, who had for the otten his injuries
”My dear boy, yes; why, you haven't a bit of hair on face or head, and you're black as a negro”
”I'd forgotten, sir It was the powder”