Part 6 (1/2)

This blow roused hi in a flash that he had knocked his head against soly, and the next itated water, and thenback of soination of thethat it was the bottom of the capsized boat, about which the creere clustering

Then a strong hand was stretched out to him, and he was drawn to the keel, Toood position

”Hold on a bit, sir, and we'll try and right her”

”Yes,” panted Mark ”Where's Mr Russell?”

”Here,” came rather faintly fro and coughing ”All right now; I got under the boat

All here, my lads?”

”Ay, ay, sir”

”Then you one and all deserve a flogging,” cried the second lieutenant, angrily ”What were you about to capsize the boat?”

”Dunno, sir,” said Toruffly ”She went over all of her own sen”

”Don't be an idiot, man”

”Where's the black?” panted Mark, who had not yet got back to his regular breathing

”I have him, sir,” said the coxswain, ”but I don't think he's--”

”Oh, don't say he's dead!” cried Mark

”Course not, sir, if you says I'm not,” muttered the man; ”but it strikes me as he was dead before he reached the sea Some one seeed his position, so as to place hiain

”Dead?” whispered Mark, as he drew himself a little more on the bottom of the boat, and craned his neck towards his brother officer

Russell did not answer for the ravely bent his head

”The brutes!” he then said, softly; ”and all this risk for nothing”

Then aloud--”Now, my lads, quick Swimmers The oars”

These words roused the little crehich had been clinging to the keel, half lying on either side of the boat, as if there was nothing more to be done but wait for help but now three of the an to swi about in the glistening ht

”Never mind the hats, man,” shouted the lieutenant ”The oars--the oars”

This was to one of the sailors who had reached a straw hat and clapped it upon his head as he swaht it alongside

”Any one seenon, supporting the black
