Part 17 (2/2)

But at this instant a loud shout was heard, and the twin people of Twi all turned their heads to find themselves surrounded by throngs of fierce enemies.

Prince Marvel smiled, for he saw among the new-comers the giants and dwarfs and the stern Gray Men of King Terribus, with their monarch calmly directing their movements; and on the other side of the circle were the jolly faces and bushy whiskers of the fifty-nine reformed thieves, with burly Wul-Takim at their head.

19. The Reunion of the High Ki

The twins of Twi were too startled and amazed to offer to fight with the odd people surrounding them. Even the executioners allowed their axes to fall harmlessly to the ground, and the double people, soldiers and citizens alike, turned to stare at the strangers in wonder.

”We're here, Prince!” yelled Wul-Takim, his bristly beard showing over the heads of those who stood between.

”Thank you,” answered Prince Marvel.

”And the men of Spor are here!” added King Terribus, who was mounted on a fine milk-white charger, richly caparisoned.

”I thank the men of Spor,” returned Prince Marvel, graciously.

”Shall we cut your foes into small pieces, or would you prefer to hang them?” questioned the King of the Reformed Thieves, loudly enough to set most of his hearers s.h.i.+vering.

But now the little maid in yellow stepped up to Prince Marvel and, regarding the youthful knight with considerable awe, said sweetly:

”I beg you will pardon my people and spare them. They are usually good and loyal subjects, and if they fought against me--their lawful High Ki--it was only because they were misled by my separation from my other half.”

”That is true,” replied the prince; ”and as you are still the lawful High Ki of Twi, I will leave you to deal with your own people as you see fit. For those who have conquered your people are but your own allies, and are still under your orders, as I am myself.”

Hearing this, the green High Ki walked up to her twin High Ki and said, boldly:

”I am your prisoner. It is now your turn. Do with me as you will.”

”I forgive you,” replied her sister, in kindly tones.

Then the little maid who had met with defeat gave a sob and turned away weeping, for she had expected anything but forgiveness.

And now the Ki-Ki came forward and, bowing their handsome blond heads before the High Ki, demanded: ”Are we forgiven also?”

”Yes,” said the girl, ”but you are no longer fit to be rulers of my people. Therefore, you are henceforth deprived of your honorable offices of Ki-Ki, which I shall now bestow upon these good captains here,” and she indicated the good-natured officers who had first captured the prince and Nerle.

The people of Twi eagerly applauded this act, for the captains were more popular with them than the former Ki-Ki; but the blond ones both flushed with humiliation and anger, and said:

”The captains fought against you, even as we did.”

”Yet the captains only obeyed your orders,” returned the High Ki. ”So I hold them blameless.”

”And what is to become of us now?” asked the former Ki-Ki.

”You will belong to the common people, and earn your living playing tunes for them to dance by,” answered the High Ki. And at this retort every one laughed, so that the handsome youths turned away with twin scowls upon their faces and departed amidst the jeers of the crowd.

”Better hang 'em to a tree, little one,” shouted Wul-Takim, in his big voice; ”they won't enjoy life much, anyhow.”
