Part 987 (2/2)
A. S. _wuca_, Dan. _uge_, _wge_, id.
WOUND, used as a superlative.
_Gawan and Gol._
Perhaps from _wond_, the pret. of A. S. _wand-ian_, vereri, to dread.
WOUNDER, WONDIR, _adv._ Wonderfully.
WOUNDRING, _s._ A monster, a prodigy.
A. S. _wundrung_, admiration.
WOURSUM, WORSUM, _s._ Purulent matter, S., p.r.o.n. _wursum_.
A. S. _wyr_, pus, and _sum_, as denoting quality.
WOUSTOUR, _s._ A boaster.
V. ~Woistare~.
WOUT, _s._ Countenance, aspect.
V. ~Vult~.
_Gawan and Gol._
_To_ WOW, _v. a._ To woo or make love to.
_Bannatyne Poems._
A. S. _wog-an_, nubere; _wogere_, procus, amasius, a wooer.
_To_ WOW, _v. n._