Part 985 (1/2)


A. S. _wun-ian_, Germ. _won-en_, id.

~Wonnyng~, ~Wyning~, _s._ A dwelling.

A. S. _wununge_, mansio.


_To_ WON, _v. a._ To dry by exposure to the air.

~Wonnyn~, _part. pa._ Dried.

V. ~Win~, _v._ 2.

WON, _part. pa._ Raised from a quarry; also, dug from a mine.

V. ~Win~, _v._ 3.

_To_ WOND, _v. n._ To depart; used for _wend_.

_Gawan and Gol._

WONGE, _s._ The cheek.

_Sir Tristrem._

A. S. _waeng_, Isl. _vong_, maxilla.

WONNYT. L. _wemmyt_, q. v.


WOO, _s._ Wool, S.


_It's aw ae woo_, S. Prov. It is all one.

WOOD-ILL, _s._ A disease of cattle, the same with ~Muir-ill~, q. v.

WOOERBAB, _s._ The garter-knot below the knee, with a couple of loops, S. O.