Part 945 (1/2)

WALLAWAY, _interj._ Alas; S. _walawa_; E. _welaway_.


A. S. _welawa_, Su. G. _waleva_, proh dolor.

WALLEE, _s._

V. ~Well-ey~.

WALLEES, WALISE, _s._ Saddlebags, S.

Belg. _valleys_, Fr. _valise_, a portmanteau.

WALLY, _adj._

V. ~Waly~.


1. A feeble ill-grown person; S. _wallidraggle_, S. B. _warydraggel_.


2. A drone, an inactive person.


Su. G. _gaell_, testiculus, and _dregg_, faex. _Wary-draggel_, might seem allied to Isl. _warg draege_, filius ab exule genitus.

_To_ WALLOP, WALOP, _v. n._

1. To move quickly, with much agitation of the body or clothes, S. B.


2. To gallop.


Teut. _wal-oppe_, cursus gradarius.

_To_ WALLOW, WALOW, _v. n._

1. To wither, to fade.