Part 913 (1/2)

~Tulchane bishop~, one who received the episcopate, on condition of a.s.signing the temporalities to a secular person.


2. A bag or budget, generally of the skin of an animal, S. B.

_Journ. Lond._

3. Applied to a chubby, sometimes to a dwarfish, child, Ang.

Isl. _tulk-a_, pellicere.

TULSURELIKE, _adj._ Apparently, fierce or furious.


Gael. _tulchoir_, obstinate.

TUMDEIF, _s._ Perh. swooning.


Isl. _tumb-a_, cadere praeceps; and _deyfa_, hebetudo.

_To_ TUME, _v. a._ To empty, S.

V. ~Teym~.

Dan. _tomm-er_, Su. G. Isl. _toem-a_, vacuare.

~Tume~, ~Toom~, ~Tome~, _adj._

1. Empty, S.


2. Untenanted, S.; as, a _tume house_.

_S. Prov._

3. In a state of inanition, as to food, S.

4. Lank, tall and meagre, S.

5. Shadowy, unsubstantial.
