Part 909 (2/2)


TROTTERS, _s. pl._ Sheeps' feet, S.


TROVE, _s._ A turf, Aberd. _toor_, Ang.

_Stat. Acc._

Su. G. Isl. _torf_, id. _torfa_, effodere.

TROW, _s._ The wooden spout in which water is carried to a mill-wheel, S.

Su. G. Belg. _trog_, Dan. _trou_, E. _trough_.

_To_ TROW, TREW, _v. a._

1. To believe, S.


Moes. G. _traw-an_, Isl. _tru-a_, credere.

2. To confide in.


3. To make believe; often in sport, S.

TROW, _s._

1. The devil, Orkn.

2. In pl. an inferior order of evil spirits, ibid.

O. Goth, _troll_, a spectre, an incarnate goblin.

_To_ ~Trow~, _v. a._ Apparently, to curse.

