Part 908 (1/2)
_To_ TRODDLE, _v. n._ To walk with short steps, as a little child does, Ang.
Germ. _trottel-n_, tarde et pigre incedere.
TRODWIDDIE, _s._ The chain that fastens the harrow to what are called the _Swingle-trees_, S. B.
Isl. _troda_, terra, and _vijd-er_, vimen; q. the _withe_ which touches the earth.
TROGGERS, _s. pl._ The designation given to one species of Irish vagrants, q. _trokers_, Wigton.
_Statist. Acc._
TROISTRY, _s._ The entrails of a beast, offals, S. B.
Isl. _tros_, trash, Sw. _trastyg_, trumpery.
TROYT, _s._ An inactive person, S. B.
Su. G. _tryt-a_, pigere, taedere; _troett_, fessus, la.s.sus.
_To_ TROKE, _v. a._
1. To bargain in the way of exchange, to barter, S. _truck_, E.
Fr. _troqu-er_, to exchange.
2. To do business on a small scale, S.
3. To be busy about little, in whatever way, S.
~Trock~, ~Troque~, _s._
1. Exchange, barter, S.
Fr. _troc_, id.
2. _Troques_, pl. small wares, S. B.
3. Small pieces of business that require a good deal of stirring, S. B.