Part 904 (1/2)
~Trattils~, _s. pl._ Trattles, idle talk.
V. ~Treviss~.
TRAWART, _adj._ Perverse.
V. ~Thrawart~.
V. ~Tranont~.
TRAZILEYS, _s. pl._ The props of vines.
L. B. _trestell-us_, fulcrum mensae.
_To_ TREADLE, _v. n._ To go frequently and with difficulty, Fife.
TREE, _s._ A barrel, S.
_Acts Ja. V._
Su. G. _trae_, mensura aridorum.
~TREE and TRANTEL~, a piece of wood that goes behind a horse's tail, for keeping back the _sunks_ or _sods_, used instead of a saddle, Perths.
TREGALLION, _s._ Collection, a.s.sortment, Dumfr.
C. B. _treigliant_, a strolling; _treiglian-nu_, to effect a circulation; O. Fr. _trigalle_, a lodging-house.
TREIN, TRENE, _adj._ Wooden; _treein_, S.