Part 895 (1/2)
TOHILE. L. _to hile_, to conceal.
Isl. _hyl-ia_, occultare.
TOY, _s._ A head-dress of linen or woollen, that hangs down over the shoulders, worn by old women of the lower, S.
Su. G. _natt-tyg_, a night-cap; Belg. _tooij-en_, to tire, to adorn.
_To_ TOIR, _v. a._ To beat, S. _toor_.
Su. G. _torfw-a_, verberare.
TOIT, _s._ A fit, whether of illness, or of bad humour.
V. ~Tout~.
TOYT, _s. Toyts of Tay_, the fresh water mussels found in Tay.
_Muse's Thren._
Teut. _tote_, _tuyt_, cornu, extremitas instar cornu.
_To_ TOYTE, TOT, _v. n._ To totter like old age, S.
V. ~Todle~.
* TOKEN, _s._ A ticket of lead or tin, which every private Christian receives as a mark of admission to the Sacrament of the Supper, S.
TOKIE, _s._ An old women's head-dress, resembling a monk's cowl, S. B.