Part 876 (1/2)
A. S. _hwitel_, id.; _thwitan_, cultello resecare.
THICK, _adj._ Intimate, familiar, S.
V. ~Thewles~.
_To_ THIG, THIGG, _v. a._
1. To ask, to beg.
Alem. _thig-en_, Su. G. _tigg-a_, petere.
2. To go about, receiving supply, not in the way of common mendicants, but rather as giving others an opportunity of manifesting their liberality, S.
Isl. _thygg-ia_, gratis accipere, dono auferre.
3. To beg, to act the part of a common mendicant, S.
4. To borrow; used improperly.
~Thiggar~, _s._ A beggar, a common mendicant.
Su. G. _teggare_, id.
_Acts Ja. I._
THIMBER, _adj._ Gross, heavy.
Isl. _thungber_, gravis, portatu molestus.
THINARE, _s._ A t.i.tle of honour, apparently equivalent to _Lady_.