Part 864 (2/2)
4. To complain, Clydes.
A. S. _teor-ian_, to fail, to tarry.
TARTAN, _s._ Cloth checkered with stripes of various colours, S.
_Chr. S. P._
Fr. _tiretaine_, linsey-woolsey.
~Tartan~, _adj._ Of or belonging to tartan, S.
~Tartan-purry~, _s._ A pudding of red colewort mixed with oat-meal.
_Tartan_, q. parti-coloured colewort, and Teut. _purreye_, jus, sive cremor pisorum.
_To_ TARTLE _at ane_, _v. n._
1. To view as not recognising with certainty, Loth. Perths.
2. To boggle, Loth.
3. To hesitate as to a bargain.
4. To scruple.
Perh. allied to Isl. _tortallit_, difficult to reckon.
TARTUFFISH, _adj._ Sulky, stubborn, Renfrews.
Fr. _tortu_, perverse; or _tartuffe_, a hypocrite; _tartuffi-er_, to a.s.sume a false appearance.