Part 863 (2/2)

TAPTHRAWN, _adj._ Perverse, S.

Q. having the _tap_, or top _thrawn_, or distorted.

_To_ TAR, _v. n._


Perhaps allied to Isl. _taera_, donare; Su. G. nutrire.

TARANS, _s. pl._ Souls of unbaptized children.


Gael. _taran_, id.

_To_ TARGAT, _v. a._ To border with ta.s.sels.

Su. G. _targ-a_, lacerare.


~Targat~, _s._

1. A tatter, S.


2. A ta.s.sel.

_Minstrelsy Border._

3. A long thin slice of dried fish, Ang.

Su. G. _targ-a_, to split by light strokes.

TARY, _s._ Delay.


~Tarysum~, _adj._ Lingering.
