Part 862 (2/2)

_G.o.dly Sangs._

TANTRUMS, _s._ High airs, S. Cant E.

Fr. _tantran_, nick-nack.

TAP, _s._

1. The top, S.

2. Head, S.

_Gl. s.h.i.+rrefs._

3. Crest of fowls, S.

4. The quant.i.ty of flax put upon the distaff at one time, S.

5. A playing top.


_To_ TAPE, _v. a._ To use sparingly, S.


Isl. _tept-r_, restrained; Su. G. _taepp-a_, to stop up.

TAPEIS, _s._ Tapestry.

Fr. _tapis_.

_Maitland Poems._

TAPETLESS, _adj._ Heedless.

V. ~Tabets~.

TAPETTIS, _s. pl._ Tapestry.

