Part 851 (1/2)
Su. G. _swoerfw-a_, in gyrum agitari.
~Swarff~, ~Swerf~, _s._
1. Stupor, insensibility.
2. A fainting-fit, a swoon; _swarth_, Ang.
SWARFE, _s._ The surface.
SWARYN, _s._
V. ~Syvewarm~.
SWARRACH, _s._ A large unseemly heap, Ang.
Su. G. _swaer_, gravis.
SWARTBACK, _s._ The great black and white gull, Orkn.
Norw. _swartbag_, id.
SWARTH, _s._ A faint.
V. ~Swarf~.
SWARTRYTTER, _s._ Properly, one belonging to the German cavalry.
_G. Buchanan._
Teut. _swerte ruyters_, milites nigri.
SWASH, _s._ The noise made in falling upon the ground S.; _squash_, E.