Part 834 (1/2)

STOUTH, _s._

1. Theft, S.


2. Stealth.

Su. G. _stoeld_, id.


~Stouthreif~, ~Stouthrie~, _s._ Theft accompanied with violence; robbery.

_Acts Ja. V._

2. _Stouthrie_ now denotes theft merely, S.

STOUTHRIE, _s._ Provision, furniture, Fife.

Teut. _stouw-en_, acervare; and _ryck_, A. S. _ric_, rich.

STOUTLYNYS, _adv._ Stoutly.

V. ~Lingis~.


_To_ STOW, STOWE, STOO, _v. a._ To crop, to lop, S.


Su. G. _stufw-a_, amputare.

~Stowins~, _s. pl._ The tender blades or sprouts nipt from colewort or any other vegetable, S.

STOWLINS, _adv._ Clandestinely, from _stouth_, stealth, S.


STOWN, STOWIN, _part. pa._ Stolen.

_Abp. Hamiltoun._