Part 779 (1/2)

V. ~Flouss~.



V. ~Sleuth-hund~.

_To_ SLUBBER, _v. a._

1. To swallow, so as to make a noise with the throat, S.

2. To do any thing carelessly.

_Z. Boyd._

Su. G. _slabbr-a_, avide deglutire, Isl. _slupr-a_, Dan. _slubr-e_, mollia ingurgitare.

~Slubber~, _s._ The act of swallowing as described above, S.

~Slubbery~, _adj._ Applied to flaccid food, in swallowing which a noise is made by the throat, S.

Teut. _s...o...b..r-en_, flaccidum esse.

_To_ SLUDDER, (p.r.o.n. _s.l.u.ther_), _v. a._ The same with ~Slubber~, S.

sense 1.

~Sluddery~, _adj._ Soft, flaccid, Fife.

Teut. _slodder-en_, flaccescere.

_To_ SLUDDER, _v. a._ To slur, to articulate indistinctly, S. B.

V. ~Slidder~, _v._

SLUGGIED, _pret._ Swallowed greedily, Moray.

_Pop. Ball._

Teut. _slock-en_, Su. G. _sluk-a_, Dan. _slug-e_, deglutire.


1. The watch-word used by troops in the field, S., _slogan_, S. A.