Part 756 (1/2)

Isl. _skecke_, dispar facio.

_To_ SKAIL, SKAILL, SKALE, _v. a._

1. To disperse.


2. To dismiss, S.

_Acts Ja. III._

_To skail the byke_, to disperse an a.s.sembly, S.

3. To diffuse; applied to rumours.


4. To scatter, applied to the mind.


5. To spill, to shed, S.

6. To unrip, S. B.


7. _To skale doun_, to pour out.


8. _To skale doun_, to dishevel.


9. _To skail house_, to disfurnish.


10. _To skale a rig_, to plough ground so as to make it fall away from the crown of the ridge, S.

11. _To skale a sege_, to raise a siege.

_Poems 16th Cent._

12. _To skail a proclamation_, to recall it.
