Part 741 (2/2)

_To_ SHAMBLE, _v. n._

1. To rack the limbs by striding, Ang.

2. To make a wry mouth, S.

_Shamble chafts_, wry mouth, S. B.


SHAMLOCK, _s._ A cow that has not calved for two years, W. Loth.

Gael. _simlach_, id.

SHAMS, _s. pl._ Legs.

Fr. _jambes_, id.

SHAN, _adj._ Silly, paltry, Loth.


A. S. _scande_, Teut. _schande_, dedecus.

SHANGAN, _s._ A stick cleft at one end, for putting the tail of a dog in, S.

V. ~Shangie~.


_To_ ~Shangie~, _v. a._ To inclose in a cleft piece of wood, S. A.

_J. Nicol._

SHANGIE, _s._ A shackle that runs on the stake to which a cow is bound in the _byre_.

SHANGIE, _adj._ Thin, meagre, S.

Gael. _seang_, small, slender.
