Part 694 (2/2)
A. S. Isl. _run_, Su. G. _runa_, litera.
2. A tale, a story.
_Sir Tristrem._
3. Speech in general.
_To_ ~Roun~, ~Roune~, ~Round~, ~Rown~, _v. n._ To whisper, S.
Su. G. _run-a_, A. S. _run-ian_, id.
~Rounar~, ~Rownar~, ~Roundar~, _s._ A whisperer.
~Rounnyng~, ~Rownnyng~, _s._ The act of whispering.
_To_ ~Round~, _v. n._
V. ~Roun~, _v._
ROUND, _adj._ Abundant.
V. ~Rouch~.
ROUN-TREE, ROAN-TREE, ROWAN-TREE, _s._ The mountain-ash, S.
Su. G. _ronn_, _runn_, sorbus aucuparia.
ROUND, _s._
1. A round dance, S. _roundel_.