Part 689 (1/2)

ROCKAT, _s._ A surplice, E. _rochet_.

_Gl. Sibb._

Arm. _rocket_, Fr. _rochet_, an outer garment.

ROCKING, _s._ A friendly visit, in which neighbours meet, during the moon-light of winter or spring, and spend the evening, alternately in one another's houses. Ayrs.


Supposed to have had its name from females formerly bringing their _rocks_ or distaffs with them.

ROCKLAY, ROKELY, _s._ A short cloak, S. Ang.


Su. G. _rocklin_, a surplice.

RODDEN-FLOUK, ROAN-FLOOK, _s._ The turbot, S. B. _roan-fleuk_, Loth.


RODDIKIN, _s._ The fourth stomach of a cow, or other ruminating animal, S.; the same with ~Reid~, q. v.

RODDING-TIME, the time of sp.a.w.ning.

V. ~Red~, ~Redd~, _s._

_Stat. Acc._

RODEN-TREE, _s._ The mountain-ash, S. B.

V. ~Roun-tree~.

~Rodens~, _s. pl._ The berries of the roan-tree, S. B.

ROEBUCK-BERRY, _s._ The stone-bramble berry, S.

_Stat. Acc._

ROY, _s._ King; Fr. _roi_.


_To_ ROY, _v. n._ To rave.