Part 683 (2/2)
2. _A rickle of banes_, a very meagre person, S.
A. S. _ricg_, a heap; Su. G. _ben-rangel_, a skeleton.
_To_ ~Rickle~, _v. a._ To put into a heap, S.
_Statist. Acc._
RID, RIDE, _adj._ Severe.
A. S. _reth_, ferox, saevus.
RIDE, _adj._ Rough.
V. ~Roid~.
_To_ RIDE, _v. a._ In curling, to drive a stone with such force, as to carry before it another, which is nearest the mark, or blocks up the way, S.
RIDE, _s._ The act of sailing, S.
Isl. _redskap_, carriage on s.h.i.+pboard.
_To_ RIFE, RIFFE, _v. n._ To rive.
Su. G. _rifw-a_, id.
RIFF-RAFF, _s._ The rabble, S.
Dan. _ripsraps_, id., faex hominum.
RYFART, _s._
V. ~Reefort~.
RIFT, L. _rist_, a musical instrument.