Part 643 (2/2)


O. Fr. _porchaz_, intrigue.

2. s.p.a.ce for exertion, S.

3. _To live on_ one's _purchase_, to live by one's wits, S.

PURE, PUIR, _adj._ Poor, S.


O. Fr. _poure_, id.

~Puirlie~, _adv._ Humbly.

_K. Hart._

~Pure man~, _s._ A beggar, S.

_K. Quair._

To ~Pure~, ~Puir~, _v. a._ To impoverish.


PURED, _part. adj._ Furred.

_Sir Gawan._

PURELLIS, _s. pl._

V. ~Pouerall~.

PURFLED, PURFILLIT, _part. adj._ Short-winded, S.

PURIE, _s._ A small meagre person, Orkney.

PURLE, _s._ A pearl.

