Part 627 (1/2)

PLODDERE, _s._ A banger, a mauler.


O. Fr. _plaud-er_, to bang, to maul.

PLOY, _s._

1. A harmless frolic, properly of a social kind, S.

_Sir J. Sinclair._

2. A frolic, which, although begun in jest, has a serious issue, S.


A. S. _pleg-an_, to play.

_To_ PLOT, _v. a._

1. To scald, S.


2. To make any liquid scalding hot, S.

3. To burn, in a general sense.


PLOTc.o.c.k, _s._ The devil.


According to some, _Pluto_, whose Isl. name is _BlotG.o.d_. Our term may be q. _Blotkok_, ”the swallower of sacrifices;” from _blot_, sacrificing, and _kok-a_, deglutire.

PLOUD, _s._ A green sod, Aberd.

_Stat. Acc._

Fland. _plot-en_, membranam exuere.

PLOUT, _s._ A heavy shower of rain, S.