Part 616 (1/2)

V. ~Finnack~.


PHIOLL, _s._

V. ~Fyell~.

PITHONES, _s._ A Pythoness, a witch.


_To_ PHRASE, FRAISE, _v. a._ To talk of with boasting.


~Phraser~, _s._

1. A braggart, braggadocio.

_Bp. Galloway._

2. A wheedling person, S.

To ~Phraise~, _v. n._ To use wheedling language, S.

~Phraise~, ~Fraise~, _s. To mak a phraise_,

1. To pretend interest in another, S.

_Sir J. Sinclair._

2. To use flattery, S.

_R. Galloway._

3. Falsely to pretend to do a thing, to exhibit an appearance without real design, S.


4. To make great shew of reluctance, when one is really inclined, S.


5. To talk more of a matter than it deserves, S.