Part 593 (2/2)

A. S. _ut_, ex, extra, and _by_, juxta.

_To_ OUT-BRADE, _v. a._ To draw out.

_To_ ~Outbrade~, _v. n._ To start out.

V. ~Brade~.


1. Eruption on the skin, S.

2. An open transgression of the law of G.o.d, S.


_To_ OUTBULLER, _v. n._ To gush out with a gurgling noise, S.


OUTCAST, _s._ A quarrel, S.


OUTCOME, OUTc.u.m, _s._

1. Egress.


2. Termination, S.

_R. Galloway._

3. Increase, product, S. Belg. _uytkomen_, to come out.

4. That season in which the day begins to lengthen.


OUTFALL, _s._ A contention, S.
