Part 591 (2/2)


OURCOME, O'ERCOME, _s._ Overplus, S.


OURE-MAN, _s._

V. ~Ouersman~.

_To_ OURGAE, OURGANG, _v. a._

1. To overrun, S.

2. To exceed, to surpa.s.s, S.


3. To master, S.


4. _v. n._ To elapse.

_The ourgane year_, the past year, S.

A. S. _ofer-gan_, excedere.

_To_ OURHARL, _v. a._ To overcome.

_Maitland Poems._

_To_ OURHYE, _v. a._ To overtake.


A. S. _ofer_ and _hig-an_, to make haste.

OURIE, _adj._ Chill.
