Part 588 (1/2)

_To_ ORP, _v. n._ To fret, or chide habitually, S.


~Orpit~, _part. adj._

1. Proud.


2. Fretful, habitually chiding, S.

_Bp. Galloway._

ORPHANY, _s._ Painters gold.

Fr. _oripeau_, id.

_Pal. of Hon._

ORPHELING, _s._ An orphan.

Fr. _orphelin_, id.


ORPHIR, _s._ Embroidery.

Fr. _orfrais_, id.


ORPIE, ORPIE-LEAF, _s._ Orpine, S.

ORROW, ORA, _adj._

1. Not matched, S.

2. What may be viewed as an overplus, S.


3. Not appropriated.
