Part 574 (1/2)
A. S. _nessas_, loca depressa.
NET, _s._ The _omentum_, the caul, S.
Teut. _net_, A. S. _net_, _nette_, id.
NETH, _prep._ Below.
A. S. _neothan_, Su. G. _ned_, infra.
NETHELES, _conj._ Nevertheless.
A. S. _na the laes_, id.
NETHIRMARE, _adv._ Farther down.
A. S. _nither_, and _mare_, more.
NETHRING, _s._ Depression.
V. ~Nidder~.
NEUCHELD, (gutt.) _part. pa._ With calf, Perths.
_To_ NEVELL, _v. a._ To strike with the fist.
~Nevell~, _s._ A stroke of this kind.
V. ~Neive~.