Part 558 (1/2)

V. ~Manrent~.

MORE, MOR, _adj._ Great.


MORE, _s._ A heath.

V. ~Mure~.


V. ~Murgeoun~.

MORIANE, _adj._ Swarthy, resembling a _Moor_.


Fr. _morien_, id. from Lat. _Maurita.n.u.s_.

MORMAIR, _s._ An ancient t.i.tle of honour in S. equivalent to _Earl_; from Gael. _mor_, great, and ~Mair~, q. v.

MORN, MORNE, _s._ Morrow; _to morne_, to-morrow; S. _the morne_, id.


A. S. _morghen_, _morgen_; Isl. _morgun_, morrow.

MORNING-GIFT, _s._ The _gift_ conferred by a husband on his wife, on the _morning_ after marriage.

_Acts Ja. VI._

A. S. _morgen-gife_, Germ. _morgan-geba_, Teut. _morghen-gave_, id.



Moes. G. _maurgins_, A. S. Isl. _morgen_, id.

MORT, ~a mort~, Died, or dead.

_Bannatyne Poems._

Fr. _meurt_, 3. p. s. ind. improperly used.