Part 550 (1/2)
_To_ MYSFALL, _v. n._ To miscarry.
_To_ MISFAYR, ~Misfare~, _v. n._ To miscarry.
_Misfarin_, S. B. ill-grown; A. S. _mis-far-an_, male invenire, perire.
~Mysfar~, _s._ Mischance.
MISGAR, _s._ A kind of trench in sandy ground, from the action of the wind. Orkn. Norw. _mis_ denoting defect, and _giaer_ form.
_To_ MISGRUGLE, _v. a._ To rumple; to handle roughly, S.
_Journ. Lond._
2. To disfigure, to deform, S. B.
Belg. _kreukel-en_, to crumple.
_To_ MISGULLY, _v. a._ To cut clumsily, to mangle, Fife; q. to use the _gully amiss_.
MISHANTER, _s._ Misfortune, S.
Fr. _misaventure_, O. E. _mysauntre_.
MISHAPPENS, _s._ Unfortunateness.
MISHARRIT, _part. pa._ Unhinged.
_Palice of Honour._
A. S. _mis_, and _hearro_, a hinge.
_To_ MISKEN, _v. a._
1. Not to know, S.