Part 535 (1/2)
3. Hurt, injury.
Fr. _maulgre_, in spite of.
MAWMENT, _s._ An idol.
Chaucer _maumet_, id. corr. from _Mahomet_.
MAWSIE, _s._ A drab, a trollop, S.
Isl. _mas_, nugamentum, _masa_, nugor.
MAWN, _s._ A basket, S. B.; _maund_, E.
_To_ MAWTEN, _v. n._ To begin to spring; applied to steeped grain, S.
Su. G. _maelt-a_, hordeum potui praeparare, from _miaell_, soft.
_To_ ~Mawten~, _v. n._ To become tough and heavy.
~Mawtent~, _part. pa._
1. Applied to grain which has acquired a peculiar taste, from not being thoroughly dried, Lanerks.
2. Dull, sluggish, Ang.
MAZER, MAZER-DISH, _s._ A drinking-cup of mapple.
_Z. Boyd._
Germ. _maser_, Su. G. _masur_, the maple; Isl. _mausur bolli_, a mazer-bowl or cup.
MAZERMENT, _s._ Confusion, Ang.
MEADOWS. _Queen of the meadows_, meadow-sweet, S.