Part 511 (1/2)

2. A tub, or vessel of any kind, S.; as _brew-lumes_, _milk-lumes_, &c.

A. S. _loma_, utensilia.

LOMPNYT, _part. pa._ Laid with trees.


Sw. _laemp-a_, to fit; or Isl. _lunn_, phalangae.

LONE, _s._ Place of shelter.

Isl. _logn_, tranquillitas aeris.

~Lony~, _adj._ Sheltered.


LONNACHS, _s. pl._ Quickgra.s.s gathered for being burnt, Mearns.

LOOGAN, _s._ A rogue, Loth.

LOOPIE, _adj._ Deceitful, S., q. one who holds a _loop_ in his hand.

LOOR, _adv._ Rather.

V. ~Lever~.

_To_ LOPPER, _v. n._ To ripple.

V. ~Lipper~, _v._

LOPPIN, LOPPEN, _pret._ Leaped.


A. S. _hleop_, Sw. _lupen_, insiliit.

LORE, _part. pa._ Solitary, q. _forlore_.

_Sir Gawan._

LORER, _s._ Laurel.