Part 452 (2/2)

2. A bow, a genuflexion.

_G.o.dly Ball._

3. A slight curtsey, S. B.


4. A shelter of any kind, Perths.

5. A trick.

_Leg. St Androis._

~Jouking~, ~Jowking~, _s._

1. s.h.i.+fting.


2. Artful conduct, S.

~Joukry-pawkry~, _s._ Trick, juggling, S.

_Poems Buchan Dial._

_To_ JOUNDIE, JUNDIE, _v. a._ To jog with the elbow, S. _junnie_, S. B.


Sw. _skynd-a_, to hasten, to push forward.

~Joundie~, ~Jundie~, _s._ A push with the elbow, S.


JOURDAN, JORDAN, _s._ A chamberpot, S. O. E.

A. S. _gor_, stercus, _den_ cubile.

JOURNELLIE, _adv._ Daily.

