Part 451 (1/2)

Fr. _joye_, _joie_; _mon joie_, my darling.

JOCKEY-COAT, _s._ A great coat, S.

JOCKY-LANDY, _s._ A lighted stick, wisp, or any thing blazing, foolishly given as a plaything to children, S. B.

_Jack-a-lent_, E.

JOCKTELEG, _s._ A folding knife, S.


From _Jacques de Liege_, the name of a celebrated cutler.

_To_ JOGILL, _v. a._ To jog, S.


Teut. _schockel-en_, vacillare.

JOG-TROT, _s._

1. Slow motion on horseback, S.; corr. _dog-trot_.

2. A particular mode of operation to which one pertinaciously adheres, S.

JOHN'S (St) NUTT, two nuts growing together in one husk; the possession of which is supposed to secure against witchcraft; Dumfr., Perths.

_Legend St Androis._


V. ~Ribband~.

IOYALL, _adj._ Causing delight.


JOYEUSITY, _s._ Jollity.


Fr. _joyeusete_.