Part 442 (1/2)

2. To cheat, to trick, S.

_P. Buch. Dial._

3. To make a quick turn.


4. To escape, to avoid, S.


5. To spend time idly, S. A.

_J. Nicol._

Su. G. _swink-a_, subterfugia quaerere, Germ. _schwink-en_, celeriter movere.

~Jink~, _s._ The act of eluding another, S.


~Jinker~, _s._

1. A gay sprightly girl.


2. A horse quick in its motions.


_To_ JIRBLE, _v. n._ To spill liquids, Fife.

JIRGLE, _s._ Any small quant.i.ty of liquor left in the bottom of a gla.s.s, or that has been emptied from one vessel to another, S.

_To_ ~Jirgle~, _v. n._ To empty any small quant.i.ty of liquor from one vessel to another, S.

_To_ JIRK, _v. a._

V. ~Chirk~.

JIRT, _s._ Expl. ”jerk.”
