Part 433 (1/2)

HULY, HOOLIE, _adj._ Slow, moderate, S. _heelie_, Aberd.


_Hove_, to stay, S., or Su. G. _hoflig_, moderate.

HULLION, _s._ A sloven, Fife.

HULLc.o.c.k, _s._ The Smooth hound, a fish, Orkn.

HULTER CORN, _s._ The same with _s.h.i.+lling_, Aberd. q. _hulled_.

_Stat. Acc._

HUM, _s._ A sham, S.

Su. G. _hum_, an uncertain rumour.

_To_ HUM, To feed, as birds do their young, by billing, Ang.

HUMANITY, _s._ The study of the Latin language.

Hence _the Humanity Cla.s.s_, that in which this is taught; and the teacher, the _Professor of humanity_.

Lat. _Literae Humaniores_.

_Stat. Acc._

HUMDRUM, _s._ Dejection, S. B.


Isl. _humm-a_, admurmurare, and _drom-a_, tarde et lente gradi.

HUMEST, _adj._ Uppermost.

V. ~Umast~.


HUMLY, _adj._ Humble.
