Part 418 (1/2)
HIDWISE, _adj._ Hideous.
Fr. _hideux_, id.
_Gawan and Gol._
HIEGATIS, _s. pl._ High ways, S.
_Acts Ja. VI._
HIE HOW, _interj._ Bravo.
_To_ HYGHT, _v. a._ To promise.
V. ~Hicht~.
HY-JINKS, HIGH-JINKS, _s._ A very absurd game, in which it was determined by the dice who should for some time sustain a fict.i.tious character, or repeat a certain number of loose verses, under the penalty of either swallowing an additional b.u.mper, or paying a small sum to the reckoning. This appears to be nearly the same with the drunken game called _Whigmaleerie_.
_To_ HILCH, _v. n._ To halt, S.
HILLIEGELEERIE, _adv._ Topsy-turvy, S. B.
_Hilliegulair_, Perths.
Gael. _uile go leir_, altogether.
HILT ~and~ HAIR, the whole of any thing, S.
Su. G. _hull_, anc. _hold_, flesh; the carcase and hide; _med hull och haar_, hide and hair, _the whole_; Germ. _haut und har_.